NMU LTE Frequently Asked Questions

NMU is switching to LTE for faster data speeds and to stay current with wireless technology. If you'd like to learn how to connect to NMU LTE, please visit our "Connecting to NMU LTE" page. 


Where is NMU LTE available?
Is NMU LTE faster than NMU WiMAX?
What devices can connect to NMU LTE?
Can I try out a NMU LTE device before I commit to purchasing one?
Who can get a LTE device issued to them at no cost?
Can my cell phone provider LTE phone/device connect to NMU LTE?

Where is NMU LTE available?

NMU LTE is available wherever NMU EAN is  available. Use the "Check Availability" feature at http://www.nmu.edu/ean/#coverage to see where NMU LTE is available for current NMU employees, students, or NMU retirees. If you are a current NMU employee, student, or NMU retiree you don't have to sign up for NMU EAN to get access to NMU LTE.

Is NMU LTE faster than NMU WiMAX?

Yes. Average WiMAX speeds are 100kb-1mbps for uploads and 1-7mbps downloads. All NMU LTE connections are provisioned for the same rate. Average LTE speeds are 100kbps-5mbps uploads and 1-15mbps downloads depending on distance from the LTE tower site and the building construction of the building you are in.

What devices can connect to NMU LTE?

At this time, only NMU issued X1 Carbon or T460s ThinkPad Computers that have had the LTE card installed at Micro-Repair can connect directly to NMU LTE. NMU LTE can be installed at no additional cost. If you need NMU LTE access, were issued an X1 Carbon or T460s ThinkPad Computer and haven't already done so, bring your X1 Carbon or T460s computer to the NMU HelpDesk and get a request to have NMU LTE installed by Micro Repair.
Other WiFi capable devices including computers, MacBooks, tablets, smartphones and other devices can utilize NMU LTE using a LTE CPE that provides Internet access via a WiFi access point.

Some LTE CPE's provide Internet access via both WiFi and the Ethernet connections built into the CPE. Basically using the Ethernet connections to connect a computer or other device is yet another way to access the Internet using the LTE CPE. Using the Ethernet connection also assures a secure and steady connection compared to WiFi. WiFi uses radio signals which are sometimes prone to interference, typically from other WiFi routers of your close neighbors using the same WiFi (radio) channels.
Another option are Tested LTE CPE devices you can purchase yourself. If you purchase your own device you will also need purchase and NMU LTE SIM card from Micro Repair for $5.


Can I try out a NMU LTE device before I commit to purchasing one?
No, but if you are not satisfied with the LTE device you received you can return it within 2 weeks of the date of purchase for a full refund.


Who can get a LTE device issued to them at no cost?

Students with a NMU issued X1 Carbon or T460s ThinkPad Computer that have had the LTE card installed at Micro-Repair can connect directly to NMU LTE. NMU LTE can be installed at no additional cost. If you were issued an X1 Carbon or T460s ThinkPad Computer and haven't already done so, bring your X1 Carbon or T460s computer to the NMU HelpDesk and get a request to have NMU LTE installed by Micro Repair. You should back up any files saved on the computer prior to getting it to Micro Repair. Expect the computer to be ready for pick up in 2 hours or the next business day if it is within 2 hours closing time. Instructions on how to connect to NMU LTE are available at http://it.nmu.edu/docs/connecting-nmu-lte.
If a student currently has an NMU issued MacBook they can come to the Helpdesk/Micro Repair and be issued a MiFi LTE Hotspot at no charge. This device will be issued to the student and must be returned with the computer.
Current NMU students, faculty, staff, and NMU retirees can purchase an LTE device to get access to NMU LTE or be issued a LTE capable NMU notebook computer. People interested in using NMU LTE that are not current NMU students, faculty, staff, and NMU retirees should consider NMU EAN.

Can my cell phone provider LTE phone/device connect to NMU LTE?
Basically No. The device would need the capability to use bands 7 or 41. The bands are not typically used in the U.S. They would also require an NMU LTE SIM card and the SIM cards are programmed to work with devices supplied by NMU. However, most smartphones can also use WiFi provided by a LTE CPE to access the Internet and this can save you money on data useage through your cell phone provider. NMU has available devices for purchase. If you want to purchase your own LTE CPE tested devices are listed here.


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