
Service Description Web address

A Mailshare (or listserv) is basically a discussion group operated by email. Mailshares allow Internet email users to place themselves on electronic mailing lists. Information is... more


Northern Michigan University's online portal, which provides users with access to many of the campus services requiring user authentication.


Secure web service that enables students, faculty, and staff to check the status of their NMU user account. You can use MyUser to:


MyWeb is an E-Mail, FTP and Web server available for Northern Michigan University students, faculty and administrative staff.

Each account is allocated space for personal storage of files... more

NMU EduCat

Northern Michigan University's online learning management system.

Create on-line courses, or to simply publish materials that supplement existing courses. NMU EduCat requires... more


Register your computer to gain access to the campus network.

For full access to the Internet and NMU network services over the NMU on-campus wired and wireless areas, you must... more


Collaboration at NMU.
Allows for training classes and/or groups to be set up similar to Educat classes.

 WildCast is a simple web based system for delivering quality classroom video content to the masses.