I can't log in
If you don't know your password or can't log into NMU services such as Email, MyNMU, or Educat, or your NMU G Suite account:
- If you are new to NMU and have not set up your @nmu.edu account go to the MyUser "New User Page", https://myuser.nmu.edu/newuser. If you are a new user and can't log into MyUser "New User Page" contact the HelpDesk.
- If you have already set up your @nmu.edu account and can't log into any NMU services such as Email, MyNMU, or Educat, or your NMU G Suite account go to the MyUser "View account status" page, https://myuser.nmu.edu/user, and use the "Login" button in the upper right corner of the page to login. You can log into the MyUser "View account status" page when your account will not work anywhere else to verify your account status and identify any problems and solutions for your account.
- If you have already set up your @nmu.edu account and can't log into the MyUser "View account status" page go to the MyUser "I lost my Password " page, https://myuser.nmu.edu/recover, and enter the required information to recover access to your account. If you can't log in there contact the HelpDesk.
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