Verify Your NMU Account Status and Password

 If you are having trouble logging into your account on any NMU sites, first navigate to and try to log in with your NMU UserID and password. 
  • If you are able to log in, then your NMU UserID and password are correct. If you are faculty, staff, or a retiree, your password expires once a year and if it has expired you will may prompted to enter your old and new passwords. Once logged in, check the Account Status box under the Status tab on the left side of the page (shown below) to ensure that your account is active. If it is not, contact the HelpDesk by calling (906) 227-2468 or by emailing for help unlocking your account and determining the cause of your lockout. 


  • If you are unable to log in, you may likely be entering wrong NMU UserID and/or password. Make sure that you are just using the first part of your email, for example, jsmith instead of entering 
If you are still unable to log in, navigate to, and follow the steps to recover and change your password and then verify your Account Status is active.
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