Changing my NMU UserID or Username
The NMU UserID or username for NMU students and employees are based on the person's legal name. This requires a legal name change with the Social Security office and students updating the information with the NMU Records office. NMU Employees would make the change with NMU Human Resources office. See the MyNMU, Student Services, "Name Change-Information" link for the most up to date information.
Once the legal name change is reflected on the MyUser system the person can work with HelpDesk staff to delete the old account and the new account will be created overnight. It is highly recommended to make NMU UserID or username changes between semesters when the impact of grades and records, especially for courses taken or taught on Educat, will be minimized.
Other than a legal name change, people have the options anytime to change their preferred first name using information in the MyNMU, Student Services, "Name Change-Information" link and how their name is displayed from messages sent via their NMU G Suite account (See NMU G Suite account name changes).