Paste Options in Microsoft Office Word
↵Office offers multiple different pasting options within a document for both words and images. This article will cover the different paste features.
- Open Word with your image or text copied (right click and select copy, or use the key combination Ctrl + "C").
- The next step involves pasting. There are multiple ways to paste, and you can choose the one that best fits your needs.
- Use the key combination Ctrl + "V"
- Right click empty space on the document and select "Paste."
- Under the "Home" tab, select the "Paste" button to see the different paste options.
- When you paste text into the document, "Paste Options" will appear and allow you to select different options depending on the type of content you're pasting.
Keep source Formatting: This option preserves the look of the original text.
Merge Formatting: This option changes the formatting so that it matches the text that surrounds it.
Keep Text Only: This option removes all the original formatting from the text.
- When you paste pictures into a document, the paste options will look a bit different.
Keep Source Formatting: This option preserves the look of the original selection
Picture: This option inserts as an image
There are several other paste options that are offered by Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, and 2016. A Complete list can be found here.
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