LTE Troubleshooting (Start Here)

Are you trying to connect to NMU LTE as a current student, faculty, staff, or NMU retiree?

    YES continue below with NMU LTE Troubleshooting

    NO then contact NMU EAN Support


NMU LTE Troubleshooting

    Was the NMU issued computer or NMU LTE device previously connected and successfully registered on the NMU network at the NMU HelpDesk after it was received?

        Note your answer.

    Is this the first time you are trying to use the NMU issued computer or NMU LTE device in this location?

        Note your answer.

    Does the connection currently work at all?

        YES then proceed to LTE Performance Troubleshooting

        NO then proceed to LTE No Connection Troubleshooting

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