De-Register a Device from the NMU Network

Occasionally, you may want to remove a device from your account because you no longer use it or for a variety of reasons. These instructions will show you how to de-register a device from the NMU Network. Keep in mind that if you will need to re-register the device if you you want to re-connect it to the NMU network. 
1. Navigate to in a web browser. 
2. Click on "De-Register."
3. Type in your username and password then click "Sign In." 
4. Click the "De-Register" button next to the computer or device you would like to de-register. For sim cards/LTE devices you'll need to scroll to the bottom.

5. Once you have clicked on the de-register button you will see the following message at the top of your devices. You can now choose to de-register more device or "Logout." 
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