Update Respondus Lockdown Browser (1/15/19)

As of 1/15/2019 students taking quizzes in EduCat which require the use of the LockDown browser should update to the latest version of the LockDown browser. Once they do so, they will no longer need to open the LockDown browser directly. Instead, they may use any current browser to access EduCat: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge. When they attempt to take a quiz which requires the use of the LockDown browser, they may automatically launch the LockDown browser from EduCat without having to exit. Students will not need to know in advance whether or not a quiz requires the LockDown browser.

Once students update the LockDown browser, they will need to start all quizzes from a standard browser.

See the "Install Updated Respondus Lockdown Browser" page for instructions.