Connecting to NMU LTE
Is NMU LTE available in your area?
NMU LTE is available everywhere NMU EAN is available. Go to the Check Availabilty page and click the "Check Availabilty" button. Enter your complete address with Street Address, City, State, and Zip code to see if NMU LTE is available in your location.
If you were issued an NMU ThinkPads NMU LTE is not installed by default. You can get the NMU LTE network and SIM cards installed at no charge so the computer can access the NMU LTE network. If you have not already done so, please stop at the Helpdesk to get a work order for the LTE hardware to be installed.
If you were issued an NMU MacBook you can come to the Helpdesk/Micro Repair and be issued a MiFi LTE Hotspot at no charge. This device will be issued to you and must be returned with the computer.
The MiFi LTE Hotspot connects to NMU LTE and provides Internet access via a built in WiFi signal.
For all other WiFi capable devices:
NMU LTE CPE's (Customer Premises Equipment) are available for purchase from Micro Repair for current NMU employees, students, and NMU retirees. An NMU LTE SIM card will be included. You will still need to go to to register the SIM card to the NMU network before you can access the Internet from the NMU LTE Network.
If you want to purchase your own LTE CPE, NMU tested devices are listed here. You will still need to purchase a NMU LTE SIM card from Micro Repair, configure the CPE, and go to to register the SIM card to the NMU network before you can access the Internet from the NMU LTE Network.
Connecting the ThinkPad to NMU (LTE)

Connecting the ThinkPad to NMU WiFi (preferred if on campus)