Reasons for Updating Our Computers

  1. Updates fix problems and help make your computer run better.
  2. Some updates are scheduled to be available at routine intervals. For instance Windows updates typically come out the second Tuesday of the month. Windows computers are configured to automatically download the updates but not install them until the next time the computer is restarted. For this reason you will want to install the updates at a time that is convenient for you rather than have them automatically install at a critical time when you need your computer such as when finishing a paper, studying for an exam, or when you need to take an online exam.
  3. Your computer connects to the NMU network, and unless it has the latest updates, it can create a weak spot on the network. In other words, an non-updated computer can be taken over by someone else, via the network, and used to attack the network itself and other Web sites.
  4. You are responsible for any actions taken through your computer, even if you are not doing them. If your computer is found to be attacking other sites and/or distributing illegal material, your NMU account may be locked out and any computers registered under your account will not be allowed to access the campus network.
  5. Fortunately, updating is easy. Visit our Windows Update page or Mac Update page to learn how.
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